I'm fine with it. Gavin is ridiculously productive, and we can't have him burning out. He's looking at moving his family across the country, too. That requires some attention.
Shit is gay. Something must have happened. Gavin specifically said he feared taking a break from the network for a long break like Cumia does because he thought we would leave, if I don’t get an explanation soon he will be right. Im paying for GOML alone.
Atheism Is Unstoppable took me a couple listens to appreciate. He's pretty funny and is talented with the editing. Check out the backlog while Gav's on break.
I'm fine with it. Gavin is ridiculously productive, and we can't have him burning out. He's looking at moving his family across the country, too. That requires some attention.
I don't mind a break but I want to know when the show is back/what is happening
Shit is gay. Something must have happened. Gavin specifically said he feared taking a break from the network for a long break like Cumia does because he thought we would leave, if I don’t get an explanation soon he will be right. Im paying for GOML alone.
WrongOP and Man Up are pretty awesome and worth a shot.
Atheism Is Unstoppable took me a couple listens to appreciate. He's pretty funny and is talented with the editing. Check out the backlog while Gav's on break.
Yeah I agree he is pretty good.
Jesus you guys are fags. Are you autistic weirdos who need Gavin's voice every day to help your daily pattern?