I have always been the biggest defender of the Japrican when people would talk shit, but the past few episodes of GOML have me rethinking my position. He is fucking up VERY basic stuff and doesn't even sound like he cares about the show. He seems to be just phoning it in and doing the bare minimum to stay employed. That is cool in most jobs, but Ryan is working a DREAM job and doesn't realize it is not the kind of thing you half-ass. GOML should be a passion project. If I was in his shoes, it would be my fucking life, I would not be spitting in the face of the opportunity of a lifetime like he seems to be. The past two episodes ("the lying episode" and "they make great pets") almost made me turn them off because of his depressing and apathetic attitude draining the soul from the show. Why is a fucking millennial being taught how to do basic internet searches by a 50+ year old alcoholic? Aren't you embarrassed? And the whole shrimp thing... I would have been up all night researching that shit, hanging out at a pet shop, and surprising Gavin with a rad setup in the studio out of my pocket with a little underwater punching bag and all that, not reluctantly being involved and talking him out of hit because he is lazy. wtf Ryan. Grow up.
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We'd be so much better off with Matty, he could do it.
I've watched this show for a very long time and this shit goes in circles.
Gav and ry are buddies and ry gets more airtime and his actual personality starts coming out and starts acting/talking like a loser, which gav notices, which makes ry's shitty job on the show more noticeable, gav begins to get annoyed and ry shuts the fuck up and the show gets better and they eventually fight and then become buddies again and the circle continues.
Ry is funny in very very minute amounts. He found his niche in the video impersonations, does he craft and hone that talent? No. He overdoes it, 3/4 of the video overlays are terrible. He doesnt take gav's advice to use wigs or do ANYTHING to make it better. He will never improve anything anymore because he now has the ultimate excuse MUH BABY MUH WIFE. Im convinced he had the baby on purpose to continue to leach off of Gav.
He has a army of faggots like himself that are one step above bronies in levels of cringe that send letters, make calls to create the appearance that subscribers enjoy ry's presence on the show. I also question how many times ry has written to the show in defense of himself as i wouldn't put it past him. He is a loser.
If people actually enjoyed ry then hed be successful in his own ventures which hes not. Nobody watches his livestreams. He has no style he has very little talent and he needs to go.
How do I know this isn't Ryan running a psy-op or "ry-op" as he would probably call it.