BoatLikeAFlutterby 1 point ago +1 / -0

Glad he’s out. We would have preferred an actual pardon though, no?

BoatLikeAFlutterby 2 points ago +2 / -0

Perfectly said, @markolbb! FNAR = wasted potential.

I love the Wild West approach of Censored.TV, but FNAR is a perfect example of why every other network in the world enforces some sort of editorial standards for their shows/talent. Milo needs a boss.

BoatLikeAFlutterby 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeahhhh. FNAR is so hit or miss. 1/4 is really strong, and the rest are just Milo annoying his guests/staff/me. The good episodes are great though. The recent one with the Orthodox Jew, the one where he had a cow expert on and talked about cows for an hour, the recent comedian guest who gave him a lot of shit.. all fantastic. You do have to be willing to wade through 75% drunk-girl-at-a-bar style hosting to get to the gems, though.