I pretty much watch them all.
better than talking about blacks for an hour
Its not a fun or funny subject, its just a bit boring. Off the cuff mondays are the best type of show
Hey Cuomo, stop stealing my moves!
for sure. Didnt gav say he tried to get Tim as co-host a few years ago?
Cant we just get a forum on Censored? Gav will complain there will be nazi/jew stuff but there isnt any of that here
Who runs/hosts/owns these sites?
i made it to 2:30
Pretty cool how he reversed all the way home to unwind the wheels though
Its gets better if you bear through it
its the cats episode
Do you go to a boxing gym? ask there
I wanna see what his new bird looks like
Serious Milo is the normal Milo, and the best Milo
lol gav is on the whizz
cause they put comments under the videos now
Gav would jump to a number way too high, ryan way too low. Then they reluctantly meet somewhere in the middle
"ill put you out for a week eh"... SLAP
has this been announced or will it be tonight?
not gonna blur the address?
https://unblockit.top/ its not a hard choice
Did the Pandemic end the studio show he did? it was good with the oddball guests. Gav is just cheap as hell and moans about the Price of printer ink rather than sorting the Video lag problems.