I guarantee that she burnt herself by accident, but chose to report it as a hate crime to save face and be a "hero". No one wants to achieve greatness anymore, the youth see "overcoming" "adversity" as achieving something.
What happened in the dream?
there is no "winning" if you think its left vs right, you've already let them win
I responded like me, "bud". I dont buy "left" and "right" bullshit. its just a distraction to the real battle.
thanks professor asshole, all my comment showed was my unfamiliarity with written Spanish. gfy
"two counts of attempted advertisement"? That sick fuck!
Anyone else surprised they can kinda read mexican? "movimiento" = movement Im guessing. "violenta" = violent. "responsabilizo" = responsible, etc... what a lazy fuckin language
That's so fucking cringe
I feel more like the wing Chun guy these days.
You think you get how the world works, you think you know the rules and then WHAM
"Im part of the LGBT community, the Lads Gettin Thick Babes community" then he did a top gun high 5 to his Brother.
"Big Man" I read that in his Scottish accent lol
"I aint no fuckin' fag, just be the big spoon, okay?"
So Im in my home gym taking the 130s for a ride on the incline bench when my girl comes in, turns off the Slayer and says she's leaving me for a real man. Says he's redefined what being masculine is.
Be careful of these guys, they don't plan on leaving any pussy for the rest of us.
Are you so insecure with your masculinity that you think tenderly embracing other soft fuckboiis is "faggoty?"
"I am the....corn pop...?"
hahahah Edit: maybe "Bryan and macginnus' is too on the nose. rian and macinnes would be more subtle, please send this to him. Im sending mine
edit 2: I sent it. cant wait
this was hilarious, and that awful Sam Hydeberg even responded in the comments!
Going to visit the family would be good. I wish I had something to offer them; money? (I don't know how much would ease the pain) words? street justice?
I cant think of anyone less deserving of evil than a child. I hope this human stain gets whats coming to him
I remember how being scared as a child is so much more potent than being scared as an adult. You don't have the mental models to conceptualise what's going on. The concept of being targeted for a hate crime, the painful violation, the overwhelming asphyxiating terror.
To think about what would have been going through the mind of this young boy as this happened to him, makes me want to cry because it fills me an impotent rage; I don't know how to stop degenerates like this, people have been conditioned not to.
Black people will do these horrendous things and make out theyre the victims. A black woman told me South African white farmers 'deserve what they get" despite them being farmers who bought their land and never did anything to anyone. She saw them as white, therefore- monsters.
muslims, jewish people, black people, the media, entertainers, etc... won't mention this kid and stand to profit from painting white people as the bad guys.
I stand by what I said its impressive I can read Spanish. I was where you are mate, desperate for a win in life so I over-analyse pointless shit. everyone does it Id say.
the real battle is against globalists who stand to profit from the decline of the west and want to see white people a minority all around the world, and then bred out of existence. (I dont have their names or they wouldn't be a problem lol). find a woman to love and cherish, get a job where you can put that mind to work, stop being so angry