Yep. Someone said this in the Censored.TV comments and I agreed with them there and so I’ll agree with you here.
The least he could’ve done is to have Gavin on again. But we know how it would go. Joe would go feminazi and Gavin would double down. Joe would concern troll like he did with Owen Benjamin saying stuff to Gav like, “but aren’t the Proud Boys adding to the violence?” and Gav would be like “THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES standing UP TO THE VIOLENCE!”
It could be good. shrug
Coppercab got internet-famous when he posted a video ranting about how “GINGERS DO HAVE SOULS” 46million views. Holy shit. It’s been 10 years.
They will give birth to an NFL player. He is a smart man.
She’s chubby, but she has symmetrical features good hygiene and probably a good personality.
Looks don’t last forever, but what kind of woman do you want to be mother of your kids?
No one was ever depressed running a marathon.
Go for a jog.
You cannot find happiness from other people, that only drains them.
Remember the words of Psalm 23 “he leads me beside still waters and green pastures, he restores my soul”
Some time in nature with God and may your soul find peace and restoration. Then you can go back to your family with energy to give to them instead needing them to be the providers of your joy.
Hope that helps. Take care.
All you did was express your opinion reasonably. How sad! And yes, these ARE the people in more and more “powerful positions.” Things will eventually swing around as they grow up with zero kids or kids that hate them and society realizes it’s mistakes. Or... as is often said, since they aren’t breeding, their ideas die with them. Unfortunately, they are spreading their stupid ideas through media and celebrities and influencers and stealing the minds of kids, like The Peid Piper stealing the children. So I don’t think they necessarily have ti reproduce if they are reproducing their ideas.
Secondly, with the abortion debate, they ALWAYS jump to rape and incest. Always. That’s because they heard it somewhere else. Just say those are exceptions and move the debate along.