For all the people wondering what a bogan is, it's a special type of thing. It's not quite like a redneck or a lad, it's typically a blue-collar Aussie that fuckin loves a good time, no matter how low-brow the company. A bogan is the type of dude to keep a dart in his mouth while he gets arrested without a shirt on. Real Aussies-- feel free to correct or update this definition.
I have a particular affinity for this show after living in AU for a while but I want your honest opinion, what do you think of the first episode?
I just show them that meme of Enrique Tario shaking hands with Biggs that says "white supremacist" if they think that a black Cuban dude is a white supremacist you know they're not capable of critical thought or logic.
Hey man I totally dig and respect what you're doing but if you haven't been initiated as a Proud Boy it would be wrong to do anything, even good charity work, under that label. If you're still interested and want to join, get back in the saddle and then with your local chapter you boys can go charity crazy! Make it official first and then you and your brothers can work out the best solution.
hahahahahahahahahahahha aaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha
that aint happening, especially when he's married to a black SJW.