any good examples? he’s just a liberal - but his podcasts are still somewhat entertaining. nothing like GOML
It’s funny, I’m hispanic and pretty dark, and have been asking this question ever since I was a kid.
Back in elementary school, I asked why it wasn’t okay to use violence against the indigenous people but was okay to use violence against Nazi Germany.
I think Nazis are losers and I’m glad America stepped in, but never got more than a scold at that question.
I love ryan. I would totally catch a beer with him!
I’ve been trying to find out for a couple days. I’ve sent emails to the PDX chapter a few times now and haven’t heard back - though I’m sure they’re quite busy haha.
cool man stay safe. if you end up being able to share any details, please do! i want to get out there today.
no problem. i’ve sent a couple emails with no avail. maybe you can help me get it through!
you know where everyone’s meeting? what time?
well said; some good points! made me reconsider my thoughts.
do you have to make a separate account for every .win?
the app is absolutely trash. doesn’t recognize totally valid emails, didn’t send a confirmation email to finish set up the account. riot sucked, you think it would get a little better
I’ll for sure go. Maybe catch a couple beers beforehand
I’ll be there. I’m already here, but I’ll be there then, too.
I would argue you WOULDN’T want a trained soldier to police the civilians, that’s not the cops jobs. They shouldn’t have an instinct to kill, unlike the soldiers. Two totally different jobs.
dungeon master from dungeons and dragons
agreed! wish i had him as my best man. lol
just checked - there’s some activity but there’s a reddit mod that suggests they’re gonna lock the sub down soon and promotes this site
i know it was banned dude. same with discord. i’ll do my best, just seems like a ghost town around here, comparatively
no fucking shit. hence why i’m asking where all the old users went. they definitely didn’t come here
agreed! but his whole show is basically preaching to the choir. not in a bad way - i agree the segment should be uploaded to youtube for the world to see
can you post an actual link and not a stupid ass screenshot? his twitter feed is insanely annoying and I can’t find the book anywhere
EDIT: actual useful for people:
Spotify Sober Joe sucks