posted ago by underzero0 ago by underzero0 +4 / -1

Disclaimer: Wearing a mask sucks and 99% of the Covid-19 restrictions are utter bs.


Covid-19 is a real desease that is potentially deadly (the obese and the elderly are way more likely to die due to coronavirus than the rest of the population), but what makes it dangerous is the huge spread rate it has. It is more contagious that the usual flu and if people do not follow some basic rules to prevent it's spread local ICUs become full and there is not enough capacity to take care of both Covid-19 patients and people who need to be in an ICU due to severe injuries or medical conditions.

That is the real deal. We need to follow some basic instructions to prevent the virus from spreading so things can come back to normal ASAP:

**- Wearing a mask.

  • Washing our hands frequently.
  • Social distancing.**

All the other restrictions such as having your temperature taken before going into your workplace or a shop, keeping our shoes outside or washing our pets frequently make no sense and are not backed by any scientific research.

Lockdowns affect specially SMEs, thus we should make it our priority to:

(a) Follow the 3 recommendations I listed above. I know wearing a mask is retarded most of the time, I see no one on my way to work, yet I have to wear the fucking mask, but in closed and crowded places it makes sense.

(b) Fuck Amazon and other major sales websites. Find local alternatives to Amazon for the products you will be purchasing for Christmas. I have always made an effort to buy from small stores in my area, and this year there is more reason to do so. Let's support entrepreneurs.

(c) Support local businesses such as restaurants or gyms. Try to avoid fast-food chains and support your local pizza parlour, your favourite restaurant, etc. If you have not been laid off, keep paying your local gym's quota even if there is a lockdown. This way you can help keeping these businesses open once the pandemic is over.

Additionally, if you happen to test positive for Covid-19, let your friends and family know so they avoid visiting their elderly or sick relatives for a while. This may save lives.

I know I sound like fucking Ned Flanders, but over here hundreds died as a result of the oversaturation of medical facilities. There was not enough place to keep all corpses and an ice skating facility was used as a morgue. We went through a really hard period, and although I am lucky not to have suffered a loss, some of my friends and relatives have been ill, and some acquaintances died as a result of this lame desease. I don't want anyone over here going through this.

Yes, the Governments are experimenting with the population's behaviour during these uncertain days. Yes, most of the restrictions are retarded (I went hiking to the middle of nowhere and had to wear a fucking mask to avoid being fined). Yes, most people show no symptoms.

BUT, the desease does exist and we need to make a effort to prevent it from spreading. Some of you will be like "fuck it, chances of dying of coronavirus are low," but please, think about all the businesses that are filing for backrupcy and all the people that have lost their jobs as a result of strict lockdowns and mobility restrictions. We need to be responsible to save our countries from an economic disaster.


**TL:DR: Wear a mask so things come back to normal ASAP. **