The defence hasn't started yet. These are all the states witnesses and so far none of them have been anything more than playing the emotion card.
Defence will start when the defence witnesses are on the stand and will include full autopsy report, medical experts talking about excited delirium and the Minnesota police handbook on restraint and arrest guidelines which Chauvin followed.
So far defence lawyer has been impressive but as the legal insurrection lawyer has said he is saving the big points for later down the track.
If the jury follow the evidence it's a definite not guilty but they may be too scared or just straight up biased to deliver the correct verdict.
"And you cannot say the drugs killed him because if he had been allowed to sit up on the street he probably does not die."
Bro you don't snap out of a opioid overdose by sitting up.
This guy even in his emaciated covid riddled body was gigantic and could cause immense damage if given space to chimp out.
Derrick had on avg of 2 complaints a year working in little mogadishu.
Chauvin is a hero and I hope he moonwalks out of that courthouse after being found NOT GUILTY.
The defence hasn't started yet. These are all the states witnesses and so far none of them have been anything more than playing the emotion card. Defence will start when the defence witnesses are on the stand and will include full autopsy report, medical experts talking about excited delirium and the Minnesota police handbook on restraint and arrest guidelines which Chauvin followed. So far defence lawyer has been impressive but as the legal insurrection lawyer has said he is saving the big points for later down the track. If the jury follow the evidence it's a definite not guilty but they may be too scared or just straight up biased to deliver the correct verdict.
Edit this.