They'rke so teary-eyed that Trump didn't do enough to kiss their own personal owwy but they've all forgotten how fucking little every other Republican president has accomplished.
They'll all be fine. They're rich and famous. We're the ones who'll get screwed if Biden wins.
No Coulter has been remarkably consistent before and during Trump. They're tired of Trump tweeting and not actually doing anything, the socials have been banning people like Gavin and Trump supporters for years and Trump does nothing, he's only recently taken action because the socials have gone after him directly.
Trump alone can do shit. This isnt his fault. The left owns all the institutions of power except the presidency. On top of that, Trump is surrounded by cowards and backstabbers, and his voters are cowering behind his legs and expect him to be their almighty saviour.
The last four years have blatantly shown that voting doesnt mean much if the voters think after making their cross it's all smooth going from there. The corruption is far too advanced. The kids have been brainwashed so the only thing you can expect is that things will get much worse for quite a while before they will get better.
It's not that he can't do shit, he can he's got executive order privilege, and daily Cerno and Coulter are out there telling exactly what leeway he has, as they know his job better than he does. He's stood around and watched as Gavin and his most ardent supporters have been eliminated. The pardon for Stone was great, but most of us weren't sure if he had the stones to do it.
And you're right on voting doesn't matter, conservatives are largely weak, all the don't tread on me bumper stickers haven't mattered, they're being tread on daily. And it won't get better, after Trump the first thing the democrats will do is pass amnesty for illegals and mint 20+ million new voters with 15 million of them voting blue, there will be no more Republican party. Hillary Clinton was closer to flipping Texas than Trump was of flipping California, by far closer she was just double margin of error.
Yes, I am annoyed by it, admittedly. He's done more than any President to meet their demands. I still like Coulter, but she gets on my nerves complaining about the wall not going up fast enough.