I don’t think they had planned to until one guest arrived in one. I immediately asked her if she was ok with me not wearing one because I wasn’t going to, she said yes but then everyone else put theirs on and I was the only one who didn’t.
Who told us to wear masks? Who told us they work? Is there anything in print saying they work? I know the CDC has info saying they haven’t been proven but “hey you might as well.”
I don’t know, I have asthma and I’m a fat(working on it) so I was probably the most at risk at the party.
Am I the immature one cause I just don’t like them? ?
***we live in a midsize city in a red state, very little public transportation.
**it was a small party, 9 adults, 6 kids
Believe me… I hate wearing a fucking mask. But you can't get on a plane without one. And you can't go to most stores in my town without one. So yes I have to wear one when I have to. But they suck. And I hate the phrase "new normal"
I am the same. It’s just really not good that everything is so politicized and at the same time almost impossible to find the truth.
Only ugly people want to wear masks
I can't believe how duped we have become to think a chain-link fence will stop a sand storm. Masks are nothing but fomites. Regardless, we are scared of something with a 99.99% survival rate. You are at more risk of stepping on a rusty nail at that birthday party and getting tetanus, than you are from getting covid.
Mask wearers are conformist faggots. Good on you for standing your ground. Fuck these losers who want to be told what to do.
Thanks, I really wish I could find specific reliable information on them. The best I got is Ben Shapiro saying it’s not settled if they work. I mean if wearing them mean no more lock downs ok that’s fine. But in my own home with people I know and love. It’s weird.
As Gavin would say “it’s all fashion”
The WHO issued contradicting statements about the efficiency of wearing masks.
Take into account that most people use the same mask for days because they do not care about health and wear it only to avoid being fined. There has been a surge in the number of patients with throat infections and the reason seems to be wearing the same fucking dirty mask over and over again, when you should change every 4 hours. As you see, using masks can be counterproductive.
A relative of mine got Covid and hasnt still recovered. He is 30 something, doesnt do drugs or alcohol, yet he now coughs as if he had been a heavy smoker for the past 15 years. The desease is definitely not a joke.
HOWEVER, if your home is properly ventilated and the guests have not been in contact with infected people, there is no reason to wear it, honestly. Here it is compulsory to wear it everywhere, but I believe washing your hands frequently, keeping social distance and avoiding crowded places DOES THE TRICK. But in this country people moves in crowds so the Government had to make masks compulsory in an attempt to lower the infection rate - currently the highest in Europe.
thank you for your information.
Lmao yes I provided a lot of useless info, I apologize.
I dont wear a mask at home and I dont ask visits to wear one. Some people want to keep a distance and I respect that, but I NEVER had anyone at home virtue-signaling at my place. If you think either you or I are infected, then DONT COME.
People dealing with covid-19 on a daily basis are wise enough to avoid visiting anyone.
I meant that sincerely! geez everyone is so jaded! :D