Beeeeeeeenz 3 points ago +3 / -0

I also hate not knowing what to believe. Finding that the news is untrustworthy is the most terrible thing that has come of recent years in my opinion. I too believe those that are willing to lay down their lives for the Constitution of the US are worthy of the highest respect, but they are still human and not infallible.

I would recommend you do your own research. You can start with the CDC's website. Be mindful of the exact wording used. Does "death involving COVID" really mean that COVID killed them? *Spoiler and personal manipulation alert -You'll probably find that advanced age and other health issues are typically required for it to go bad. That tends to be the issue with most deaths. Does the statement that "most infections don't show any symptoms so you can't be sure if you have it or not" terrify or humor you?

For me - I'm just some anonymous person on the interwebs - I have visited with my family on Thanksgiving and plan to see them again for Christmas. I don't like to get sick at all and wouldn't risk passing a sickness onto anyone if I had reason to believe that I am or may be - even more so now.

My uncle has been an emergency room doctor for 30+ years now. He explained to me that the average age of death from COVID is the same as US life expectancy - 78 years. He is of the belief that fact alone shows that this is largely over-hyped for other motivations.