Thats John Goldman better known as gigachad alphamale JACK MURPHY.
He is a degenerate huckster that Gav invited onto his show to promote his $99/month alphachad message board.
He has a retarded book From democrat to deplorable which was a total grift attempt to hop on to a movement for shekels. He is a gay jew and never left the democrat party.
He claimed to hate fags and then it came out that not only does he fuck himself up the ass with plastic cocks, he actually fucks men's butts and has gay threesomes with his degenerate long term prostitute turned fiancée "redhen" where she no lie eats their ass and god knows what else.
He also proudly boosted of pimping his "fiancée" out for money where she no doubt ate tinder scat for (((jack murphy))) to jerk to as a true alphacuck.
First it was the fed bois and their fed prez, now this....
Not a good look man.
If he was paid to promote john goldman's fagzone cult, i can forgive this. But if he invited this faggot on to shill his homosexual ideals than i dunno.
This needs addressing.
Go to CENSORED show section ep 2, Nov 5th.
Larry has been MIA for 1.5 years, what gives?
Loved his show
Im hoping those specials pay Gav instead of vice versa.
His name is Jack (((Murphy)))
He set up a proudboys/freemason like organization that teaches men to become "alphas" for $99/month.
Gav is freinds with this literal elf fagboi and recently had him on a special.
Really hope he paid gav good money to get that censored presents episode.
Something so nice he was embarrassed to show.
Fuck him i hope it hrt drugs.
If i were in your situation i would binge out on coke as itd be the perfect excuse, after that id become an active spreader and spread to everything I hate.
The wire is a great series and can kill the week out finishing that series alone. Life on mars is another good somewhat obscure series.
I want to curbstomp those faggots and turn them into the Curb-Stain-Bois.
I watch it if i have nothing to watch
Curious to what got the goatfucker fired.
Merry Christmas
For like the 4th maybe 6th time after joe 4' rogan pointed out...............HOW THE FUCK DO 2 FAGS WIND UP IN THE SAME CONDOM?
03:07 5/6
Your boy got a shout out near the wayne dupree segment of the marathon.
Anybody know which part it is, like a typical white supreme pizza Gav doesnt list Wayne unlike other contractors, i know its at about the +3/4 mark?
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaah DIG IT!
Where did you get the image?
Dayum i would most definitely enjoy that.
I dunno man im convinced all organized movements are just giant fed honeypots.
Merry Christmas!
Joe waled out and gav followed. Kinda hard to make that work, change and put on a suit so seamlessly.
Wow that BIG
What carrier do you have?
Tattoos are degenerate especially on women.
If you're not desiccating your flesh for god your desecrating your flesh to your husband/wife.
Nothing more hideous than tattoos on women.
I once dated a women with perfect BIG FUCKING TITS and she had a retarded tattoo in between her breasts that ruined them for me. I dont want to snuggle up to some douchebag's doodle.
The biggest drags of the night imo were
- Katie (i watch her show bigots)
- Goads 2nd appearance (his first had me lmao irl)
- Gav and Daphne ffs he molested that baby in ways biden only fantasizes.
Those fucking glasses. 😡