RedHatBad 2 points ago +2 / -0

"You have hurt me today" multiple times a day and also while watching reeeee or riot footage. "Reeeeeeiot footage" if you will

RedHatBad 3 points ago +4 / -1

Helpful tips for makin these vids, for the technically un-inclined, if you will:

  • On WINDOWS 10 you can record your screen with the XBOX game toolbar (in most circumstances Winkey + G opens the toolbar), it will save to your profiles VIDEO folder (C:\Users\profilename\Videos)
  • OBS Studio is a great tool (free) for screen recording plus many other features
  • FFMPEG is a great tool (free) to process video clips from the command line, super fast and efficient, plenty of examples to help you use it
  • OpenShot Studio is another great tool (free) for video editing on a timeline
  • Ryan is also a tool and lacks the enzymes necessary to process alcohol but I still think he's great