$50 divided into 700K = 14,000 people who would do the same.
I pay for it, so...
Or was it Stetler.... now I'm confused haha.
It's easier to say "Stelter" than "Stetler" was the reasoning addressed in one of the eps.
By the way, who cares about that Turgid Taddle-tale, anyways.
just pause
It's funny - He often points out how incorrect the news and media is when it comes to a subject you are familiar with - "What else do they get wrong?"
Sort of ironic, I suppose. ha.
Expecting anything else is white supremacy.
Yes - same problem, dawg
Mr. Tech Guy - They all stop at random points.... On all: Firefox, Safari, Macbook, Iphone.
A lot of this edge lordy ideas seem to becoming true. Last ep (5) there was a reddit mod post about it being against the rules to show ANY media where the POC is the aggressor. Jim of course pointed out the stupidity better than I could have... Hey, I joined just for the G-Dawg and F'zone, anyway.
I tend to listen to things at low volumes... The co-hosts mic is way lower... So all I usually hear is Jim... It could also be a confidence or a matter of speaking up and into the mic. He really just laughs at Jim's jokes, with the occasional affirmational "Sure does" and "Oh, not good". Overall, I find the show amusing... they round up clips of stuff I have no patience to search for myself.
Oh, that's cuz he got punched by his dad when his mother was pregnant (with him).
Soft bigotry of low expectations... nothing wong with dhat
actually... anywhere I hear Ryan without Gav (Pat Dixon shows, or just handling the Dischord crew the other day) he's totally fine. Gav is to Ryan like that person everyone has in their life where they are always a goddamn step ahead of you.
Gavin holding up the pic of himself stepping on his own dick wasn't exactly OUTRAGEOUS... But certainly can fit in - Great moment
S03E34 (@ 07:31)