partagase2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Would vote for her, have her as a wing man for picking up bi girls, probably not hook up.

partagase2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Appears we live in an age where truly nothing is too stupid to believe. Yes, sarcasm. Maybe PBs need motorcycles and strippers? Like blackjack and hookers, but more fun and less meth'y.

partagase2 1 point ago +1 / -0

You mean frat boy al-qaeda? What does that international white supremacist terror organization have to do with motorcycles and strippers?

partagase2 3 points ago +3 / -0

Everyone benefits from the protests. They're all in democrat cities and states and they think they're having a revolution, where the rest of the country looks at them and says, fuck that noise Trump is right.

I thought Trump was going to be out after covid because it provided the economic crash the democrats were trying to engineer to get him out. But nobody belives the democratic narrative on the protests, and it will take nothing for the Trump campaign to pin it on them. It's just another example of the Democrat blacksploitation.

Biden is just the presumptive candidate, but the democratic convention will offer a surprise, and it makes sense for Trump to ignore him because the democrats are going to pull a bait and switch and he sees it coming.

partagase2 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think youtube is filtering referrals from this site, as the link works everywhere else.


You are very much on The List.

partagase2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not deleted version of video: https://youtu.be/KA1dlOm01IQ

partagase2 6 points ago +6 / -0

Rate her on what scale, the Richter scale? The DSM-V is more multivariate than just a number.

by jaylaw
partagase2 2 points ago +2 / -0

A messiah is born.

Did the kid come out swinging it, screaming, "VAAALHAAALLAHHH!" If it were a boy and I were the father, I'd have taken the IUD, hidden it, then give it to the kid on his 16th birthday as a necklace with the advice, "they're not yours, it's just your turn."

partagase2 1 point ago +1 / -0

The summaries are super valuable, as I don't have time to listen, but the topics and links are what I show up here for. Listening to any one guy for an hour isn't something i can do more than once. Every mainstream late night host is only on for about 30minutes, and they have an entire team of pro writers to fill that time. A dude winging it is going to burn it out fast.

The other reason I show up here is because I don't use the major tech platforms for viewing right wing content because people at those companies compile lists and share them. Even if the only real discussion of current events is happening on the right side of the aisle, associating with this stuff will get you listed on their whisper network.

partagase2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not clicking on google docs from a .win domain, sorry. Whatever happened to the text summaries?

partagase2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Netflix just released Guy Ritche's "The Gentlemen" and I don't know how long he will be able to live with the shame of it. It's like they stuck a gun in his ass and told him to make his best version of a film students Quentin Tarantino meets Robert Altman movie, casting a skittles bag of implausible tokens in a propaganda film about the end of contemporary stories about white people.

The producers and writers see that movies are fiction, and fiction can be about anything, so why not make it about contrived political tropes that pander to people who see themselves as victims? Because the movies suck, that's why.

I like Ritchie as a director and he's really interesting in interviews, but jesus fucking christ man. Watching Hugh Grant mince around, it was like someone was blackmailing him into doing that role. It was like a whole movie about the end of the Wolverine series, which was about passing on a legacy to the skittle people: little saccharine tokens of rainbow colors with simulated flavor that cause cavities and are contrived to be marketed to children and the poor.

Who ate Guy Ritchie's balls?

partagase2 0 points ago +1 / -1

Why would you do this? The list of apps on your phone can be checked by every other app on your phone. The tech companies who collect that data are full of SJWs who regularly search through their company data sets for "problematic" users like you.

partagase2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Happy people are finally getting this well enough they can express it in a tweet storm instead of as an infinate scroll Borges-esque library of recursively iterated neo-reactionary jib jab that nobody read.

partagase2 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you want to know what's really going on, the French have a saying, "cherchez la femme" which basically translates to, "follow the pussy."

partagase2 2 points ago +2 / -0

** that word you keep using. i do not think it means what you think it means.**

This movements relationship to language is that it doesn't mean anything, so they can make it mean whatever they want , then use it as leverage because all they understand is power. You said the magic trigger word, so now I take the power. The guy complaining is a discredit to everyone who ever sacrificed their safety for civil rights.

partagase2 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was a group of old rockers and actors who rode motorcycles together in LA. Guys from the Sex Pistols, the Cult, Generation X, Crue, and some actors like Madsen and others. They were basically if Gavin's teenage idols formed a motorcycle gang. Their internet presence is all over the place, but they were legends.