When I first heard about Covi I was kind of sketched out. I had the swine flu when that was a thing and it almost killed me, so to me another pandemic seemed plausible. I stocked up on groceries, wore a mask, stayed home as much as I could, and I even held my breath when near people and didn't touch things I didn't have to taking a shower as soon as I got home from work and washing my hands regularly. The normal stuff you should be doing in a real pandemic. Once it was like maybe may I started to realize it was probably bullshit, and by the end of summer I was full time mask off and protesting the lockdowns as much as I could. I started realizing I was losing my freedom way more than people were dying and a lot of stuff started seeming pretty fishy to me. Like when they said there is like no flu deaths because we all wore masks, and there are as many covid deaths as there normally would be flu deaths... (reminds me of when 100% of mail in ballots in a drop of ballots was for Biden lol).
I am probably the most vocal "anti-masker" I know now and I never wear one without being directly asked. I treat the mask signs the exact same way I treat the "gun free zone" signs. I completely ignore them and if you aske me to leave or take off my mask I will, but I am not instantly obeying a damn sign. If we did that, this germ based sharia law would never end.
I think that one of the biggest damages this covi thing is causing is that it is going to make people not take the next REAL pandemic seriously. This shit does happen, and it will happen, and people are going to walk into the next one thinking it is no big deal like covi. Like I said, I was full on mask wearing and isolating at first because I did have the swine flu and it was extremely serious. I took the beginning of covi very serious, but the next one, I might not believe it and might get myself killed.
It is kind of like how in school the anti-drug programs talk about weed the same way they talk about coke or heroin, and lump them all together as evil drugs that will destroy your life. Kids try herb and realize "wtf were my teachers talking about? this isn't so bad.. 99% of my idols smoke this, I saw Elon Musk smoke this on tv. They were lying, drugs are not that dangerous.", then they try coke or heroin with the same enthusiasm as weed and end up as junkies or dead. It would have been avoided if we called things what they are and not exaggerate reality to push an agenda.
I just got into the habit of dropping the "D" from the end to get around the censorship bots on the mainstream internet. I just call it "covi" now. Both verbally and typed. It is a slang I guess.
If you thought you needed to explain that to me...lol