I was originally extremely skeptical of Owen’s motives and who knows, maybe her motives still aren’t ? but the reason she is more popular than the other journalists gavin mentioned is because those journalists are doing really good journalism and Candace is offering thoughtful and funny COMMENTARY. I used to think she was completely unique but there are actually a bunch of older “Candace Owens” black female commenters that never gained traction.
While jumping on any black personality that agrees with us if definelty something we should be skeptical of, I think the maga/free market/patriot party is pretty good about it. You just have look at all the black voices that haven’t blown up. For example Jesse Lee Peterson should be WAY more known than he is for all the work he has done. I mean, the man is a national treasure for goodness sake.
I think she's worth the money, just like I think Gavin is worth the money! :)