I know this is late, but Gavin was talking about how southern leftists are probably more chill than northern ones and it definitely stuck in my craw because in the South, SJWs, leftist, BLM etc feel they have a REASON for their positions. They are more emboldened because various injustices have been more recent and lets say actual.
If they are natives or transplants they go out of their way NOT to be aligned with racism or religion. They are the type to abide by ALL talking points and rules, because not to do so would mean they are equivalent to Bull Conner. They quote Martin Luther King's statement "the suburbs are a “high-income white noose” around black inner cities." Ignoring the violence and mayhem within these cities, that blacks are fleeing. They stay in dangerous cities even after their loved ones are violently attacked making excuses for the system. They are particularly contemptful of religion and seak out nonreligous daycares and schools.
I live in Memphis and I feel abandoned by Tennessee. All of the cities in the south are no different than the cities in the north.
Southern leftists are justified they feel. In the city I lived in in the south the state university actually was found guilty of paying women less for the same positions in the 80s!! Do you know how hard that is to prove?!?! That case was one of the few if not the only successful lawsuit of its kind.
When I started my transition to "traditional liberal" or "not left." One thing that I kept thinking was that the right, republicans need to specifically address their past racism. Or at least specifically address it. Racism is the key. Black people in the south are never going to be republican unless this is done.
the republicans dont address their past "racism" cause that past racism you're thinking of was actually democrats (Surprise!) KKK = dems, jim crow = dems, segregation = dems, the confederacy were democrats, and Abraham Lincoln and the union army were... REPUBLICANS... so really the answer is people need to learn the real history, and stop being lied to by the longest purveyors of racism and division in our countries history, democrats. I mean our current resident only eulogized a literal klan member, don't get to do that every day.
I knew someone was gunna say this. It may be the case but most people are not aware of this. I was raised by a bleeding heart Democrat, my grandparents had been Democrats, when I asked my college educated mom why my grandparents stopped being Democrats she said they stopped because the Democrats started helping black people. So I don’t agree with your argument.
Just because people are not aware and want to live in ignorance doesn't make it true, you are literally saying people have to apologize for something they didn't do just because people THINK they did it, that's called giving life to the LIE and we are not about that SORRY!
and democrats are helping them how exactly? by telling them they are to stupid to get ID that the scary racist republicans are out to get them when they aren't?, you know who lowered black unemployment to the lowest in american history pre covid? trump did, you know who did prison reform? trump did, you know trump had the highest minority turn out of any republican in history, I know you wont believe it cause your feelings but thats what the stats say!, but how could he do that! he's a racist republican omg! more lies from your divisive party of empty promises.
you do not agree with what? the FACTS and HISTORY, stop being emotional and embracing lies and anecdotal evidence from your granny instead of the history, and start living in reality, in democrat run cities black people are being told they are oppressed, and these cities are run by democrats for generations, so who is running the system oppressing them but refusing to do anything about it? DEMOCRATS GET POWER FROM YOU BELIEVING THESE LIES! is it not obvious?
(democrats aren't responsible for the horrific actions you blame on republicans cause muh grandma said they helped people) what kind of ignorant answer is that when presented with the truth?
what past racism are you talking about? can you be specific?
and what exactly have democrats done to HELP ANYONE!? BE SPECIFIC!
you are literally a perfect example of why we are stuck with all this trash because you refuse to accept the truth, and the facts, simply because they do not comport with your world view. We will not apologize for something we had nothing to do with, and we will not have your parties wretched, racist history thrown on us.
No, I’m not saying they have to apologize, but living in a fairy tale land where not all blacks believe republicans=raycis and democrats=not raycis is also not the answer. It’s as bad as apologizing for something that isn’t true. I never said apologize, I’m tired but I believe I said to address the issue.