both because it means low/no sex drive. asexuality isnt a thing. some people dont have sex and call themselves asexual, some people want it but dont have it, other people have zero sex drive which is often a chemical imbalance (low T levels, etc...).
Id go so far as to hypothesise that homosexuality is a chemical imbalance, too. think about it.
I had an argument with some liberals the other day about street preachers. I remember before all of these protests, antifa, far left individuals, liberals used to give a lot of shit to street preachers on the corner. And they still do. Well I brought that up the other day. I told them it's funny how they hate Christian street preachers and being preached to about Christianity. But yet liberals are some of the worst "Preachers" when it comes to forcing an ideology down your throat. Street preachers don't block roads and streets to get you to listen to them. Street preachers don't burn down your businesses because you won't listen to what they have to say about Christianity. They don't break any laws. Liberals are the exact opposite of that. They are some of the worst street preachers you could ever run into. Such hypocrites.
Why are asexuals on the list?! thats like having atheists on a list of world religions
both because it means low/no sex drive. asexuality isnt a thing. some people dont have sex and call themselves asexual, some people want it but dont have it, other people have zero sex drive which is often a chemical imbalance (low T levels, etc...). Id go so far as to hypothesise that homosexuality is a chemical imbalance, too. think about it.
I had an argument with some liberals the other day about street preachers. I remember before all of these protests, antifa, far left individuals, liberals used to give a lot of shit to street preachers on the corner. And they still do. Well I brought that up the other day. I told them it's funny how they hate Christian street preachers and being preached to about Christianity. But yet liberals are some of the worst "Preachers" when it comes to forcing an ideology down your throat. Street preachers don't block roads and streets to get you to listen to them. Street preachers don't burn down your businesses because you won't listen to what they have to say about Christianity. They don't break any laws. Liberals are the exact opposite of that. They are some of the worst street preachers you could ever run into. Such hypocrites.