AIU is hilarious and his exasperated sighs get me through life.
The new glass animals is fire as well. it's interesting because they delayed putting their album out until now so as not to take away the focus from BLM. I wonder if devon is gunna do an episode on that. I'd watch.
i think part of AIU's appeal is that he is kinda like gavin mixed with colin flaherty. i love me some colin flaherty, but he always has some episodes that are like "this gosh darn rap music!" some of us who like facts also like fire music, colin.
I think he’s like most people that actually think all races are human and treat them the same. I noticed this early, that my white friends/family would accept behavior in minorities they never would accept in white people. Whereas AIU reacts to the ridiculous actions of black people the same way he would react to ridiculousness from whites, like, “WTF are you doing?!?”