posted ago by andimnotbragging ago by andimnotbragging +8 / -2

•I was chased down 10 seconds after entering by two employees in face shields who tried to force me to put a mask on. They ran off to tell management they had a free thinker on their hands when I said I would not do so with my medical condition.

•As I was paying, another employee came up and told me and said, “immune-compromised people shouldn’t be out in public anyway” when I said I will not be putting a mask on.

•I explained asthma is not an issue with the immune system, it’s asthma. I can’t cover my face without coughing like I’m sick and scaring people.

•Apparently that doesn’t matter and a fourth employee snapped at me that “medical exemptions are no longer allowed as of yesterday” (?) Yeah that’s not true. I said, “Can we all stop pretending Covid is still a thing? It isn’t t a thing, no one cares“

•The last girl was a real cow. I could tell she thought I was a Trump supporter and was going psycho and shaking that I wasn’t backing down to her mask Nazi tactics.

•I had already paid and said how about I just leave. She starts following me to the exit at a distance shouting “Yes, you should leave! And you’ll be banned if you don’t put a mask on!”

•I loudly laughed and called her a loser since she was causing such a scene.

•As I was walking to my car a couple guys who saw it told me “They’re just trying to get people to vote for Biden!” Hahahahaha

•I’ll be back in a few days probably. Maybe with a mask on my chin.