LOL! So of course one of the mods for "was a Cruz guy"! Aaaaahahahaha. Didn't even support DJT during the primary!
Holy shit I'm dying laughin' over here. The face behind all those bans! Ahhh
"Inception of The Donald.Win"
From when he bugged out after the election:
Anyone else remember the days after the election? Democrats swarmed and were running anti-Trump threads right up to the top of "Front", to the top of every other thread on "Front"
and the mods were nowhere to be seen!
Sooo glad they hired the best and the brightest to mod!
Not someone without a fucking job history but who actually understood the internet and why The_Donald was attractive to begin with, waaay before fkn "August of 2016"! Wheeeew, shit. Tears of laughter! I'm coughign up my lunghs over here
This fatfuck (edit: in part!) cost us the election! ahahahajajahaaagahaha
I wonder what other mods are still over there shittin' up the place?
T_D should've shuttered and Trump supporters left en you can see from that "cuckservative" post I posted above, awfuggit here it is again:
What's his endgame?
...this is what Leftist / DNC / Cathedral / FBI shills really fear as then we regroup somewhere they don't control.
"the possibility of migration to other platforms, such as Discord servers, also exists. While one such migration (everyone leaving T_D at once as the three mods suggested) is easy to implement, multiple migrations inevitably incur costs and risks to their extremist [sic] users: internal strife may erupt, user bases may fragment to more than one successor platform, enthusiasm may wane."
These were all things they wanted. Not one big exodus!
As they banned me for trying to make it a laid back cool place that'd attract, you know, people like me, relative, sane moderates to vote for Trump!
Hoooo, shit.
That place went from a bunch of fun-lovin criminals and shitposters to
Just the ugliest shit, seemingly designed to chase away moderate voters!
I'm sure if you did a search through their threads, right around that time period, a few days before and a few days after the'd see the difference I'm talking about. And for sure I was there telling them, "told you so! I predicted this shit, you dumbfucks!"...for all the good it did anyone. :(
It is extremely noticeable how the average IQ has decreased on TDW since January 6th.
account number 10
Fighting the good fight I see. Heh. I did the same
Many times
Must've run through at least a dozen accounts, 2018-2020, trying to "meme magick" that outsider creative spirit from 2015-16 back into "the movement".
Because it was creative and outsider at the beginning and turned into...boring shit.
Take for example this Japanese Trump ad from 2016:
And compare it with this:
How many millions did that one Japanese ad convert? Just by showing that "hip", "cool" people were on Trump's side and so you yourself, hip, cool person, wouldn't be out of place?
Metapolitics 101
"politics is downstream of culture"
For years I plugged away.
"DefendtheWest" was one account I remember.
Got to the point where I looked around and didn't see anyone else doing it. I was the only one left from 15-16 it seemed. I remember starting a thread asking for people to post proof that they even supported Trump in 2016 ...and was banned! Ha ha ha.
Got so pissed that I posted a big "fuck you" thread with this picture ... telling them I had just made a Bernie Sanders donation!.
It's complicated but I really did/and do want the best from both parties. I really do want an end to the Uniparty and want to have a choice between two good candidates. This is the real issue and may be behind the ramping up of partisan division?
Funny aside? I went to the SandersForPresident Reddit around this time and made a thread about being disgusted with what Trump had come to represent and that I'd just made a donation for Sanders and that maybe my story could help Sanders win the primary by attracting more ex-Trump supporters.
Sort of the opposite of what (essentially "3rd Party" Trump did in 2016:
The fucking mod over there deleted my thread and, if I recall correctly, just started another about ex-Trump supporters. Like, asshole, why shit on me for being a Trump supporter? An ex-Trump supporter?? lol. Is Sanders really a shoe-in and doesn't need all the help he can get? We all see how that turned out.
Anyways, back to being controlled...for years...I posted a thread about Western civilization being the only on the globe that didn't have slavery...again, banned! They put in that "new member" tag on profiles and that was the end of that. Every new post I did was immediately shit upon.
This may have been the case from it's inception.
I remember T_D on Reddit talking about closing down and actually closing down a day in protest and then three top mods were sacked (CISWhiteMaelstrom, JesusWoreNikeSlides, and another I forget the name of)...YourIvaginaryGirlfriend was the only OG mod allowed to stay.
Then, we all went over to this new place!
Who owned it? Who created it? I still don't know.
The entire thing is just an old trolling tactic though.
You take the message of your target group and boost the signal to an extreme degree. They can't defend without looking like they don't support whatever cause and you just run people out of the forum. Take a DemocracyUnderground account and start calling everyone a racist, ableist, blahblahblah.
Or, take the "Hee Haw" contingent of MAGA which was largely absent during the 2016 run-up, and make the entire movement about them. They love it and will do 1/2 your work for you.
Same thing happened to "the Alt-Right."
In 2016, "the Alt-Right" was anyone opposed to the DNC that was also opposed to the GOP. "Rightwing" politics had very little to do with it, from what I saw, and it was the best collection of outsiders and misfits that I've ever been a part of online. About 1/5 of it were actual White Nationalists, who everyone just tolerated.
Trump wins the election and the usual media outlets all boost the signal of Richard Spencer, whose claim to the term was starting a blog with the title, as The Leader of the Alt-Right. Again, WNs loved it and ran with it, and 80-90% of the rest of us sadly ran from the term and didn't fight for it and so now had no umbrella handle through which the rest of America could see what we were about. Eventually being labelled (by, for lack of a better term, "the Left") ..."Alt-Lite" some shitty Lite beer. Not the real thing, not the main thing just a lite version of some racist fuckers. lol.
Anyhow, I could go on for days about this shit.
It's complicated af but one part was that I wanted a choice! The Democrats continue to run shitty candidates because, "Whaddaya gone do? Support Literally Hitler??? You have to support our Uniparty candidate in the DNC primary otherwise Literally Hitler will win!!!"
You hear that DNC shills watching this post???
You're fucking your own progressive movement!!! lololololo
They squash any creative, positive voices of "their enemy"...boost the signal of the shittiest version of them, which of course will catch some of them up in it and sway normal people over to it, thereby creating the very thing they hate...then crush the entire thing.
4chan is a great example. It was the only place to go for "free speech."
First, they cancel or shun you on their platform (FB, Reddit, etc) for questioning the narrative. For not being pure enough.
This doesn't stop you from thinking whatever you thought!
So you go where you can ask that question and think aloud.
Usually to a "free speech" site.
But these sites are notorious for being flooded with racism, bigotries, etc.
In part because they already own them and they're honeypots.
They've taken them over already, boosted the racist signal same as ever, and are busy insta archiving any attempt at regular, positive themes:
Archived shortly after:
"POST RED-PILLS /POL/ REFUSES TO SWALLOW" (I call out CHANG. Thread gets archived...)
Well God damn! You're lonely, it's a pandemic, what the fuck you now have one place that won't ban you and ...of course you're becoming more and more like the cartoon villain they've made the site to represent.
Or, you're left totally ass out and with no forum at all.
They're creating the very thing they fear and are paid to attack and crushing any sort of middle ground or competitive option that would benefit both parties and the country as a whole. It's really quite sickening.
It's absolutely adding to the divisiveness and shittiness of US politics.
To the violence. To people getting killed. To insurrections and protests and etc.
And I don't see an end to it.
"What Biden & Trump supporters want the other side to know" (Pew)
Anyways, I've been saying this for fucking yeeeears now.
I'm most likely dying of lung cancer after 20 years of 2-3 pack a day habit (just too chickenshit to get checked), have never held a job in my life...they can't really cancel me...I'm being cancelled by life itself, lol!
But because of all this...all the shit I'm describing here...the corruption of true free speech and limiting of open dialog...the world is a much worse place. The US is a much worse place.
I asked about racial crime stats and was banned and etc.
The only place to ask was /pol/..where I was told it was genetic and etc.
Took me fucking years to figure out on my own that though there's a higher % crime and "13% accounts for 50%" etc etc...there was only a tiny % of the Black population that was committing the GD crimes! lol. A simple explanation would saved me! Are Whites being exterminated and facing extinction? A simple explanation would've told me "there are more White people on the planet than ever before in human history." Etc.
I don't understand it. The only people I see benefitting from this censorship and division is China. Maybe the Uniparty but of what good is worsening partisan rancor if they're ruling over a complete shithole and the parties are at physical war?
Anyways, feels good getting all this off my chest. Took me about an hour to find those fucking picks of the old screenshots. lol.
I could go on even more but...I really have been saying this (in pieces) here and there for years. I don't see things getting better and it's a damn shame. For the entire world. Maybe God is taking me outta here before the whole shitheap goes up in flames, lol. Who knows. Thanks for readin' there. Take care!