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GingerMinky 4 points ago +5 / -1

Yep. Sunday gunday got weird a while ago and people got suspicious and stopped posting.

I have AIDS, mine are all useless.

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GingerMinky 1 point ago +4 / -3

I saw this days ago. Don’t trust this, he can be under a gag order and can’t tell you.

GingerMinky 6 points ago +7 / -1

We are the most controversial win, they NEVER gave us an announcement or any kind of support in ANY way, including CSS that they knew for this site, other win mods gave it to us and actively helped us, they ignored us.

They have announced ALL other wins while I continually asked and we weren't ever announced, why?

I met IRL a mod of T_D who told me these mods hate Gavin. Don't know if it is true or not, but I am and have been inclined to believe this from my experience. I have withheld sharing my massive distrust until today and you should all know I have been HIGHLY suspicious and with this happening I feel I should share that something isn't right and I have felt it isn't. A LOT isn't right...

  1. Use a VPN
  2. Lie about personal info as often as possible to make it hard to doxx you
  3. Use Protonmail
  4. They are designating patriots as terrorists - January 21st had too many changes for TD... be a critical thinker
  5. Don't post PB stuff at all - why feed the monster.
GingerMinky 3 points ago +4 / -1

I've been reading it, and I have had suspicions for a long time. Do not trust it. They aren't fucking available to us and don't give a shit. They said it wouldn't change, it did. Doggos did all the programming but he and shadow allowed some low level mod to own it, for over a year? Anyone who sets these communities up even as mods would NEVER allow that...ever and they're veterans..

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