Search fight night it will come up
Put that bad boy on full screen and you can skip ahead or behind 15 seconds
Tom T Hall - I Love
They ignore that Vice used to be awesome, it was mostly skateboarding, photography, and bands. A completely different universe than the dogshit we see today
They are very good at spinning, and keeping their herd from looking into things for themselves. I just finished watching a report on the George Floyd bodycam footage on CBC. They doctor the footage mostly showing the cops trying to shove him in the squad car while they have a narrator talking over the meth head’s rambling. It is fucking enraging!
carry on then
Ever heard of Shazam?
Yeah it’s OHSA here for Occupational Health and Safety
Not an excuse, It’s the same in Canada
He mentioned something about giving him 50% from the new subscribers, and I assume he pays him for each new video which there are many
I feel like the G man is already losing his shirt due to the Kangaroo
Oh for fuck sakes
That's fuckin' awesome dude, great work
New rule, you have to include the link until embedding works on this site
all in a days work, keep in touch about those keys
we should have never let them eat Lucky Charms for dinner
this has been the MO for anything federal in Canada for 30 years
Kumbaya m’comrade kumbaya
There’s no entertainment value in his show at all, it’s just screaming
Of course he was talking about the west, every other place on earth BLOWS. I would include the already gay and feminine Europe too, we came to their rescue twice before we were even a superpower.
It should be free! Who will pay for it?! The rich!
Put them out on the road with the trash
How the fuck should we know ?