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Wow, that drawing of Floyd is so ugly.
Yeah I agree.
Just funny to see an “outsiders” perspective. I laughed at loud a few times.
It’s gone :(
Glad they’re back on YouTube.
Lol. Yes I noticed it. I thought, oh, must be Canadian pronunciation.
I listen at bedtime. Hes got a good voice for dozing off and if I dont fall asleep right away, I get some good info out of it. Also the Kangaroo guy, I like his voice too.
Wow, busting out Pelosi. I bet she didn't expect that. Its a shame businesses are still closed because of the scamdemic.
He bot a Brazilian butt lift, its just like the kardashians. So he is going to appear bigger now.
its his ass
Nvm, they’re only on computer, not the app.
me too, lmao.
Milo is so intelligent and it really shows when he is doing a serious interview. It’s a shame be has been banned mainstream.
Wow, was he referring to a female? I can’t see him saying it. Not like Gavin, that is.
Much better look for him.
lol, he got you saying smoke show.
I think they are buddies. It’s just for entertainment purposes. That’s why we only see him once a month or so imo.
Could you believe the gonorrhea story at the end? OMG. Crazy, lol. I agree, that show was great. Was that Gavin shitting on Biggs?
A real app, chat room, privacy from Public, and some snacks. ;) Were the internet minorities. Our day will come! We will rise up again!
Yep Had to keep closing app and reopening if I wanted to continue watching. It’s back to normal now.
He only replies to random questions, I believe and not all.
dick noses too
oh, your'e right. I would love to share some of his videos too. I love his sarcasm. lol.
his videos are on bitchute too.
Wow, that drawing of Floyd is so ugly.