I support this guy and everything, I don't think he did anything wrong. But what in the fuck is this guy doing going around to bars with a "free as fuck" T shirt on?? Whoever his lawyer is has to be livid. If he isn't, he should be fired. Because this boy should be acting like an angel till his trial is over. It's common sense. If it is true what they are saying, then he's the most idiotic person in America. What in the literal fuck is he thinking??


So today on r/politics.... Obviously it's full of liberal bullshit 24/7, I just posted a Reuters video of riots going on during the Trump inauguration. Followed their rules. No text. Well, they made up some bullshit and my whole account is temporary banned throughout reddit. This is very odd as I've posted content before, following the rules, with no issues. Get ready guys. You think censorship is bad now, just wait.

We need to come up with an official day to where all we post on social media etc. "ANITFA SUCKS" or similar posts. So say, for example, November 10 is that day. And everybody posts something like this. That would be epic.! Especially if it's done all day long. Every year forever.....


Maybe I’m late to the game on this, but I just noticed this today. I use the speech recognition option a lot when texting. Notice the ways the words black and white are used when I say these sentences. Black is always capitalized. Again… This is with speech recognition:

Johnny talks to the Black people and the white people.

Look, It’s the Black people and the white people.

Obviously this is racist. But I’m sure they don’t care