nuzzing wong withaat
She is. Best part is... she is MAGA!
Black Lives MAGA
Here is my YouTube channel BTW
Share my videos everywhere to get even with me for sharing yours lol.
I saw it on the show and I searched on YouTube "breitbart biden"... I clicked a video and shared it. I honestly have no idea what you are butthurt about. I just posted some OC on here, please share it. I don't care.
Ok... cool. Hey everyone, this guy uploaded the YouTube video I shared, someone give him an award or something... sorry I shared your video lol.
Huh? I saw this on GOML and posted it here in case there are non subscribers who wanted to see it. You made this video? Sorry I didn't give credit, but are you not happy I shared the video you made?
Yep. And VP Nanci Pelosi. RIP the west.
There is no such thing as "reverse racism". Either you don't pay attention to race and think skin color is of no more significance than the color of someone's eyes, or you are a racist. That is it. "reverse racism" is some mental gymnastics racists use to not feel guilty about their racism.
They removed it after one day because people (rightfully so) were upset.
That is heartbreaking. Her kid will be taught in school that her dead mother is a racist and likely be bullied. I hate this shit so much.
yeah, but at least I expect Portland to be out of their mind, this is Kentucky, we usually have some common sense. The left is taking over though, I am watching my city turn into a left wing nightmare. It sucks too because I recently bought a house and my city is flipping hard blue because of TDS. People do not consider KY a swing state, but as someone who lives in Louisville, I do not think republicans are that safe anymore. It is getting pretty bad.
same. Last time I voted was in 2008 for Obama hahahaha. I was a naive "default liberal". I am glad I was not as hard headed as kids today. Ironically, I was a Gavin fan the entire time... I followed Vice from day one and was getting red pilled about the same time Vice was getting "woke"
He was offended by real ties because he said they look like tiny nooses.
This is amazing.
I love the Trump mask!
I never understood the schoolgirl thing even when women do it. Who tf is into that? It is really creepy when sluts dress like children to turn on closet pedos.
I would stare at this freakshow too, wtf man.
That was beautiful.
I predict this will soon shut down USA again... anything to protect sleepy Joe from the debates. I would be scared too.... The teflon Don is going to make him look like a retard on the debate stage.
The memes on this site are actually becoming pretty sick. I am enjoying this place more and more lately. I thought it was going to flop, but it turned out pretty rad.