teachers are going to cling onto this forever. Partly because they are mostly obese sickly women, but also because they are addicted to phoning in their job and working in their PJs.
to me it always felt like the feds doing a disinformation thing. Getting people all worked up about bullshit so that they don't see what is really happening. Like if Bill Gates is taking over vast amounts or farmland and testing vaccines on children all over the world, Q will tell people that he is fucking 12 year olds in the Caribbean or something so that everyone looks away from the actual shit he is doing.
Agreed. Q has been clown shit since day 1 and I am 90% sure it is just feds anyway. And anyone who went on Jan 6 is an absolute retard. I was telling them on TD for months it was a trap and I just get downvoted and called a pussy for not "trusting the plan". They are getting almost worse than the left tbh. I hate that this page has so little activity, because the people here seem pretty dope most of the time. Only person I ever had an issue with was some weird ass mod throwing a fit because I posted a picure of my motorcycle titles something like "gavin is one of the people that inspired me to get a bike, anyone else ride?" Apparently this page is only for posting explicitly about the show or something. Just trying to post stuff to keep this page alive because I have been a censored.TV fan since day 0 and a Gavin fan since Vice.
Gab is pretty awesome when I am able to use it, but it has always been so unreliable. Probably 70% of the time it does not even load and I get an "internal error" message.
was he not banned in the purge? I just assumed he was.
so? Why do you care so much about that? A lot of garment manufacturing is done overseas, but I am still supporting an American company and a president who just spent an absurd amount of money trying to save my country from the left. Just because he was not able to pull it off, I still have his back. Trump is a real one and I respect that.
As someone who has worked at embroidery shops, screen printing shops, and now makes leather products/accessories, I would appreciate if Trump chose to use small American manufacturers for his merch, but I am not too butthurt about them sourcing the hats from overseas. Also, it is most likely that they are not really made in china. Most likely the hat blanks come from China and are embroidered here. I used to make hats and jackets and shit at my old job and they all said "made in china" or "hecho in Mexico" despite being printed/embroidered right here in Louisville. Even if he does have them embroidered in China, you are still missing the point of buying merch from a political candidate.
I don't fuck with aliexpress. I was hoping to actually contribute to Trump, not China.
Yeah, this place is pretty dead. I still try to post regularly, but it is annoying when the mods try and make all the posts be related to the show instead of letting us use this as a "home base" or hangout for the people exiled from mainstream internet. I was posting about music and motorcycles and stuff and a mod got butthurt that my posts were not related to a show on censored.tv.
with how bad the censored.tv app is, I have very little faith in Gavin's "nerds".
I love Dave Rubin. Probably my favorite TYT expat.
The FB groups related to MAGA are all getting banned too. We are not allowed to show our face on the internet anymore. Not until "alt tech" catches up. When we are back up and running though, we will be stronger than ever. It looks dark now, but this is the best thing that happened to the internet in years and the only hope of actually building equal alternatives to Twitter/FB/paypal/etc
They took down Trumps merch store. I wanted to buy another MAGA hat today and his store was taken down by shopify.
I don't have an iPhone, but from what I have heard, Apple told Parler they have 24 hours to ban Trump and add more censorship or else they will be dropped from the app store. Google already took it off the app store, but if you have the app it still works (for now).
I find it is an amazing website for certain things (hobbies is mostly what I use it for), but it is the worst place ever for discussion of any weight and the entire site has a creepy cultic vibe to it. I always feel like an outsider, but if I am looking for information on a hobby (like motorcycles, music, leatherworking, cars), there is no better place. Traditional forums are not what they used to be.
You know what I REALLY miss about old school 90s/early 2000s internet? I miss the feeling of finding a forum and hanging out in the general section talking shit about whatever. I miss when the internet felt lawless and free. It was the wild west in the 90s and I miss it every day. Nobody took it seriously and the only people who even knew how to use it were probably cool because they managed to find a chat room or forum lol. Same with YouTube in the pre google days. Everything went to shit when the internet became an advertising platform. It was way cooler when it was that nerdy thing 90% of people have never seen but if you knew then you were part of something that will never be seen again. The wild west frontier of the internet.
thanks for sharing that link, I have never seen that before.
tbh, healthcare stuff all goes over my head. I am 34 and never had health insurance in my life (I just paid the fine when Obama/Biden were in office). I am lower middle class, so I have nowhere near enough money to actually see a doctor or buy insurance, but too much to qualify for any help. I honestly just pretend hospitals don't exist and if I get sick just drink water until I feel better lol. If I die, I die, but fuck paying $50k for a runny nose lol.
what is wrong with immigrants and minorities? My wife is an immigrant an minority and she makes more money than I do despite being 10 years younger. There is nothing wrong with immigrants, Gavin himself is an immigrant. The problem is people that come here specifically to leech the system. That is not all immigrants.
"I am pro-choice, but in my personal life I am pro-life"
That is EXACTLY what I am talking about. I am the same way. In my life and family, I am pro-life. I am not going to get an abortion, but if a stranger want's to kill their own baby, that is on them and none of my business.
I don't find it annoying at all. It was easy to follow and she laid it all out extremely clear. I watched it twice, really good video.
That was a REALLY good watch, thanks for the link.
I downloaded it because I know it will be removed (I am a data hoarder that downloads everything I can, been doing it since 2011. I have something like 30-40 terabytes of data I have collected (movies, music, youtube videos, books, encyclopedias from before the culture war, etc...)
so was the "I want blood" thing just taken out of context for a clickbait title and was actually just a weird period joke that went over my head?
Isn't "the one percent" like $300k a year or something? none of these celebrities had any business taking that stance lol.
Where can I get that shirt?