The problem is, CNN will only ask questions like:
So how long have you been a racist murderer dictator?
Hatred? uh no, its not hate. Its biology. Although I do hate strange dick and balls, regardless of who they are on.
This needs to be filed under "what did you think was going to happen"
I love this video so much, I've watched both angles multiple times.
I think you read it wrong. He/she is promoting sexual intercourse. Its a last ditch effort to get laid.
This guys content is great. I went down the rabbit hole today
Climate change caused antifa to light fires? How's that work?
That what you get when your ideas don't have a "then what"
This was posted a while back. The guy seemed clueless as I recall
I feel physically ill. I can just imagine creepy pedo's watching this.
Trans-racials are just mentally ill whites
How dare you, this is propaganda. He swallowed most of his drugs.
I love this quote. I only get to use it among friends these days.
You have hurt me today
doesn't even ring a bell. You should look the the old show notes on here. There will be a link.
I lost interest after the china flu chicken little routine. Every day he was on and on about this being the end of civilization. Instead of calming fears and providing facts, he was hysterical.
Agreed. This was one of his best too
There are a LOT of shills on TD too
The fag zone president or the actual president?
Their take on all the antifa violence is the right wants THEM dead? clown town
These are great questions. One thing that doesn't seem to be in dispute is that the woman who called the cops, alleges she was sexually assaulted by him, and he was illegally in her house. If those two things don't mean shit to anyone, your answers wont either, unfortunately.
This is gold!!!
So what are you saying, he told the exact same story but it happened at a different time? or is he just retelling it?
Best example is FB/twitter taking down Patriot Prayer sites, after THEY get shot and killed. But ANTIFA, the actual problemo
Gonna need a TLDR on this one.