Uncle Devo is a national treasure. He is on the left. He hates the far left. I’m as far right as you get and I have been a huge fan of his for a long time.
He’s what “the other side” should be. If the Democrats were aligned like AIU in their views you could say both parties are working toward the same thing but differ in their methods of achieving it. What we have today is a Democrat party that hates this country and is trying to destroy it while squeezing every drop of power possible with every move they make. It’s disgusting but it underlines the importance of voices like Devon.
His addition to the site was a homerun and I think Gavin knows it. Of course he does, the guy is 100 miles ahead of everyone....
There’s a reason being a “fat ass” has been an insult. That can be boner hot, but never beautiful. How many oil paintings of women that look like those skanks in your links have you seen?
Another reason is that those asses in your links are already gone given that those videos are 5 years old. Meanwhile the girl on the bike will be a smoke show for the next 30 years. 6? LOL...
The fuck is all that matrix shit? Rothschild...yeah, rings a bell...good, good, good, good folks...solid blokes, modest, meek, they only drink the blood of children that won’t be missed!