If this was a parody account, whoever made it would have to have been a genius.
Do Californian politicians try to pander to the gays by making their face look fuckable?
I wanna use this as spicy ammo but I need a source eto do that IF YOU WILL
Looks just like the gav type. I would go 7.2
I don't know what this is but I need more of it
If you are getting tempted to fap at this, just imagine her foot is growing out of her left butt cheek and you won't be able to unsee it! [SOLVED]
Thank you sir!
Holy crap I never saw it spelled before
And immediately the phone rings and Gavin is on the other end
Soon Joe Rogan himself will find himself on a list like that
When Gavin tries to speak Chinese he says over and over: "Cao ling Chi" and says that means "I am a teacher" which is actually pronounced "Wo Shi Laoshi"
Congratulations! Hottest 6 ever
What is wierder, the kid who does it or the millions of middle-age women who watch and encourage it?
Unfortunately, there are troves of sub 60 IQ dudes that have multiple children with multiple women
Women don't care about special FX, they want babies
How did Trump lose the house? Maybe if they would have passed some some funds for a wall they wouldn't have lost
Midwits are the root of all evil
I would go 7, but after seeing her surfing photos a solid 7.5
The bad skin is kinda what I like about her.
Yas! I want the hype beast review of water boiler
Doesn't exist bigot power dynamics!
Much much worse, and I am a fan of flip flops as long as you are in the suburbs of a 1st world country
Yeah I like some thiccness but this is beyond the boner
I could see them calling arson "controlled burning"
On the app with Android wierdly enough! First time for everythig