I know this is late, but Gavin was talking about how southern leftists are probably more chill than northern ones and it definitely stuck in my craw because in the South, SJWs, leftist, BLM etc feel they have a REASON for their positions. They are more emboldened because various injustices have been more recent and lets say actual.
If they are natives or transplants they go out of their way NOT to be aligned with racism or religion. They are the type to abide by ALL talking points and rules, because not to do so would mean they are equivalent to Bull Conner. They quote Martin Luther King's statement "the suburbs are a “high-income white noose” around black inner cities." Ignoring the violence and mayhem within these cities, that blacks are fleeing. They stay in dangerous cities even after their loved ones are violently attacked making excuses for the system. They are particularly contemptful of religion and seak out nonreligous daycares and schools.
I live in Memphis and I feel abandoned by Tennessee. All of the cities in the south are no different than the cities in the north.
Southern leftists are justified they feel. In the city I lived in in the south the state university actually was found guilty of paying women less for the same positions in the 80s!! Do you know how hard that is to prove?!?! That case was one of the few if not the only successful lawsuit of its kind.
When I started my transition to "traditional liberal" or "not left." One thing that I kept thinking was that the right, republicans need to specifically address their past racism. Or at least specifically address it. Racism is the key. Black people in the south are never going to be republican unless this is done.
Urban areas tend to be more covid fearful and wealthy areas even more so. So if the poor black side of town is doing 25% mask wearing the wealthy (mostly annoying white peepoe) side of town will be 98% with 30% wearing 2 masks and gloves, 5% are in full bubble boy moonsuits and another 10% will not even be seen, they are sheltering in place somewhere having servents place their groceries in the garage.
Of those urban black yoots, a solid 50% of the 25% that do wear masks are doing so because they have warrants, owe someone money they are trying to avoid or are oppurtunistic criminals, looking for the next come up.
But honestly I see covid fear more on an economic and urban/rural scale than color.
First and foremost:
Wealth is directly proportional to fear of covid.
Secondly: Population density.
So lets place this in perspective..
Hipster area of town: decent mid to mid-high level wealth + high population density = covid hysteria
Gated community: High wealth + medium density = covid hysteria
General suburbia: Medium wealth + medium density = covid concern
Ghetto projects: no wealth + very high population denaity = Covid concern
Ghetto house neighborhood: low weath + medium density = covid maybe
Rural modular lots: low wealth + low density = covid? Whats that?
I think this is an accurate perspective.
ok, so I think what you are saying is for the most part correct. but why do i see black people wearing masks in the park I take my kid too, when all the white people and i'd say 30% of black people arent wearing the mask?
Warrants lol
Is this true?? I wish I could believe it was the answer. I saw a group of three teenage black girls walking down the street in a suburban area all wearing masks. Just dumfounds me.