Gavin's first message on Telegram since January said: "Uh, Milo quit. We're not firing. We're hiring. Two new shows this week including Josh Deney, Gavin Wax & Isabella Riley. #FakeNews"
And Milo said: "Adore Gavin and I always will. I have no more to say on the subject." and then 20 mins later said "For those asking, this is probably a blessing because the paywall isn't for me, I think it's for people with no other options, no friends, or those at the end of their careers. No one does it by choice. I'm just getting started and by the grace of God things are opening uo again for me in the media, believe ir ot not. That's all for now but watch this space."
Typical catty bitch Milo response to something bad happening to him. "It's not me darling, it's them!""
Gavin's first message on Telegram since January said: "Uh, Milo quit. We're not firing. We're hiring. Two new shows this week including Josh Deney, Gavin Wax & Isabella Riley. #FakeNews"
And Milo said: "Adore Gavin and I always will. I have no more to say on the subject." and then 20 mins later said "For those asking, this is probably a blessing because the paywall isn't for me, I think it's for people with no other options, no friends, or those at the end of their careers. No one does it by choice. I'm just getting started and by the grace of God things are opening uo again for me in the media, believe ir ot not. That's all for now but watch this space."
Typical catty bitch Milo response to something bad happening to him. "It's not me darling, it's them!""
Fuck, I was late to the live stream and just turned in to hear the last 15 seconds of the Milo gossip. Fuck my life!
Considering he already complains about the cost the milo