45willwinagain 2 points ago +2 / -0

yeah i guess so.

i just don't understand the logic of "get the shot like us or move the fuck out" when the shot is supposed to make you not get "covid".

like what the hell are they afraid of? non-compliance?

i just can't wrap my mind around the thought process behind "i don't want to live under the same roof as someone who can't be easily tricked into taking an experimental DNA immersion blender"

frankly i don't want to live in the same environment as GMO-humans so they can all go fuck themselves.

45willwinagain 1 point ago +1 / -0

he was a dick about it, but he's 100% right. fuckem... move out. go learn a skill, get a job, buy some land, build a nice little house and find a hot chick to fuck.

life is what you make it.

45willwinagain 2 points ago +2 / -0

have you bothered to explain to them that once they are stupid enough to get jeffery epsteins friends injection you supposedly can't catch it anymore?

so if they believe that the shot is worth getting, why would they give a fuck if you get it or not once they've gotten it?

"my body my choice" "trust the science"

like what the fuck am i missing here?

45willwinagain 3 points ago +3 / -0

I see what you did there (title) and i approve.

Back in the day when i was still in highschool we created "the BT", it was officially called "the BBQ team" and we posed in pictures with BBQ's and we did charitable things.

Donated a bench to the local park with funds we raised at a "free" car wash, did a food drive, did tons of stuff

As cover

In reality the "BT" stood for "bong team" and we just needed an excuse to hang out and smoke weed without raising suspicions.

Your idea of doing charitable things, even if it is just fake as fuck for PR... accomplishes two things. it creates cover from haters, but i think more importantly it does actually bolster fellowship/brotherhood in the group. coming together to accomplish goals, even if it's silly, creates unity.

i also agree with you about the dues... it keeps the riffraff out. it doesn't have to be a lot of money but it should be enough to "prove" you're serious about contributing to the group and give you some sort of legal defense fund.

i'd take it a step further, develop a business that can be ran under a different name that can siphon funds to the group without having cancel cancer come after them.

there are plenty of ways to do this... just need some creative thinking and some funding from within.

i mean honestly a group of people can sit around a bonfire with a fat joint and some good beer and come up with a dozen business ideas in an hour or two.

taking it from a targeted group of hangout guys to a semi-shielded and well funded org is the right move.

as someone suggested in the other spin-off topic... creating a "religion" or adopting an old forgotten one isn't a bad idea either.

with a church as cover all your business plans can be disguised as "community outreach funding" or whatever.

it's honestly not that hard to do and should have been done when arrests were made after the NY fight with pantifa.

45willwinagain 2 points ago +2 / -0

We all know the origin story of trying to get perma-virgin "rat" laid.

It's not about that anymore.

When mockingbird has made you public enemy #1 you need to evolve and fight smart.

While i don't agree with the OP's title (twas probably clickbait to get people to read the rest), everything else he said makes a lot of sense.

They darken the sky with arrows, we fight in the shade.

Fuck em...

45willwinagain 3 points ago +3 / -0

From a quick search "list of norse gods"

Tyr (Týr, Tiw, Tig, Ziu, Teu, Thingsus, Tiwaz, Ty, Tyw, Zio, Ziv, Ziw) God Æsir war, justice in battle, victory and heroic glory

lots more to pick from.