This movie could not have been made today 🤣
Who's who in this analogy? Is Ryan Jackie? Is Gavin Chris? Or is Ryan Chris, and Gavin Jackie?
Thanks for the heads up, Captain Obvious.
Iffuh mamma alluhwayz maikuh duh pasta, den she no have di skilluhz.
Give the poor bitch some money.
You have to get a subscription to Compound Media. It's well with it. The Gavin McInnes Show was comedy gold
Interviewer is good. Fair, but intrepid.
On the other hand, so it goes. It'd be folly to expect anything more in a world of lies and optics.
Last I heard, this company hasn't even released a product nor a business plan yet. Whether they're going to sell advertisements like most other social media companies—which might prove difficult for a company with Trump's name on it—or charge a subscription fee.
You're just gambling if you buy this stock.
It isn't actually about fat girls. It's really about cows...
Case in point; proof of concept! Baths are for women.
If you take baths you don't have nuts. You're a woman.
Are a man's personal foibles always an indictment of his ideas? The whole idea behind 12 Rules for Life is that the whole fucking endeavor is often brutal and hellacious; that man can become mired it's arbitrary, painful, seemingly meaningless vicissitudes. In that case, that Dr. Peterson was susceptible, succumbed, then overcame is little indication that he's "fucked up." Au contraire, it demonstrates that he's, in fact, an exemplar of his philosophy.
I hope you aren't standing anywhere near a glass house.
Golly! Thanks for reading!
I say voice your hate for whomever you like—to put it ironically—in your music. Only try to make it good and original. Rap and hip-hop is the same sounds, beats, subject matter done ad nauseum.
Thanks for reading! I appreciate it very much.
Do you mean the black on black homicide statistics? If so, I touched upon them in the first part of the series (https://humangarbage.me/2021/08/06/honest-conversation-race-pt1/)
If you mean the police on black versus the police on white statistics, I've no excuse. Amateur move. Amendments will be made.
Sounds like Ryan's Soviet news broadcast intro music with some of that fag from the original Aladdin track sprinkled in.
Patriotism's supposed to be evocative, y'know make you feel grateful for and proud of your nation's heritage and values; not like you're going to hopelessly drift through cold, dark, empty space like Sandra "Never Mind the" Bullock in that boring movie, with the addition of some annoying homo intermittently trying to contact you from ground control.