Gaslighting is such a vaginal word. Don't talk in bitch-speak.
Sue for what?
He's got a kid to feed!
They've fooled me at least 3 times now.
Speed it up, somehow, Tom.
Isn't it funny? If there were no text here, you would notice nothing German about this picture. Globo-homo is real.
Isn't he a musician? This would take 5 minutes 😅
Ryan also doesn't compress the audio or balance the levels somehow, so there's frantic reaches for the volume on my end at times when the bumpers are playing at max volume. When there are more than 2 mics, too, it's not level, either.
Gav got his nail fungus from sock mopping his toilet.
I like the pretaped stuff as a replacement. Repackaging reruns of videos, though, is kind of insulting. It'd almost be better to not post something if that's what they're going to give us.
Atheism Is Unstoppable is great and has a huge backlog, so I've just been listening to those while Gav takes his well-deserved long vacation. None of the other shows are that interesting or unique, to be honest, and they all somehow post much less frequently than AIU.
Atheism Is Unstoppable took me a couple listens to appreciate. He's pretty funny and is talented with the editing. Check out the backlog while Gav's on break.
American Christians don't threaten gay Americans with jihad and gun down 50 nightclubbers.
A threesome is a man and two women.
A train is two men and a woman.
c/consumeproduct turned into just that. It was my favorite board before...
Discord is for tranny pedos and people with too much free time.
Ryan, shut up, you now are a daaaaaaad
It happens with every chat room of a show. They start their own weird hierarchy. It's a massive waste of time. People should watch maybe 1 show a day and go do productive things.
You mean those angels?
Bud does taste like shit. All the other light beers tastes fine enough. Natty Light is refreshing
She's just an airhead regurgitator. I agree with him. She has never had anything interesting to say. She only got where she is because she's a black woman who's decently attractive.
JLP is his own man and has an important message for the lost young adults of America.
No More Bullshit.
Yes it is a shit post, you dingus.
Vegan food is pretty good these days.
He would be the biggest faggot in the world that day if he did. I can't see that happening but wouldn't put it past a man-child who embodies some of the worst habits of millennials / zoomers at work.
It's a shame because he's funny but really can't act like a man and take his job seriously.