MCBOOSTY25 5 points ago +5 / -0

He's using his other gifts to make him appear slightly intellectual in the least which is fine. He's good, but I believe he's young and low wattage. And a Locker Room gay

MCBOOSTY25 5 points ago +5 / -0


People celebrating TOO EARLY RN is the perfect set-up for WAY funnier MELLTDOWNS than 2016

MCBOOSTY25 1 point ago +1 / -0

read his book "Death of Cool" or get the audiobook. it fufills almost all of your requirements, its pretty great.

Def made me appreciate the show and the origins of the Gav way more. Origin stories of lots of his "bits" are in there.

by jaylaw
MCBOOSTY25 3 points ago +3 / -0

dude. Gav. get yer head in the game here. Actually cover the debates man. Dont turn it off early and peace out.

You keep talking about how PB was like the biggest story in america for a 2 weeks. Yer proud of that.



MCBOOSTY25 6 points ago +6 / -0

truth is: Crowder is too much of narcissist to be a good dad rn. Maybe when hes 45.

Hes got balls but the man isn't very funny, he aint the smartest, and his voice is annoying... And still he lets no one talk on his show, and if he does; he races immediately to talk over them.

LWC must have the biggest "on camera" crew of all these new media shows. Still 95% of the noise is Steven Crowders high "ranting" female voice.

Not to mention HIM not actually watching/hearing WTF is being said during his "live debate streams" and still trying to craft half ass point on the subject. How the hell does he know what to refute.


by jaylaw
MCBOOSTY25 2 points ago +2 / -0

i cant find. where deh episode. dis is geh.

MCBOOSTY25 2 points ago +2 / -0

i think the enegry keeping all "illicit" drugs away at any cost made him re-invest that cycle into "societally acceptable" drugs

He maybe shouldve had a mild relationship with both of them. Balance.

MCBOOSTY25 1 point ago +1 / -0

i pray for it. He shouldve come down a but harder on literally everything hes ever done. AG needs to be law and order by example

MCBOOSTY25 1 point ago +1 / -0

i agree. hes really really too picky/selective on who he targets with his scorn nowadays back in the NYC O&A days he was savage. Anyone and anything retarded he would attack with a bit more gusto than even his better bits nowadays

MCBOOSTY25 4 points ago +4 / -0

I mean Peterson is cool, not shitting on the whole internet "surrogate father figure thing" im just being a stick in the grass.

The "rare case" i have my doubts about. Like the "rare" case of Marilyn Monroe or Elvis? Same drugs basically. Its textbook just like former and latter are. Its an almost cliché at this point as a convenient famous drug user's excuse for a high tolerance/problems that ensue.

Look up why Meg White of the White stripes could not continue touring in 07' leading to the breakup of the band on the Heels of a #1 hit song. Same same same.

Benzos have a very specific way they fuck you up long term. I know that, you telling me Dr. Peterson wasnt aware of this? BULLLLSHIIT

My case is simply this:

Shouldnt Dr. Peterson have noticed the changes being enacted unto himself by said benzos? Shouldnt he have noticed the addiction intensifying and nipped it in the bud. "Cleaned out his (nonphysical) room" so to speak?

That is after all the whole thesis of his message.

He instead leaned into them like a crutch feeding into an abuse cycle.

MCBOOSTY25 2 points ago +3 / -1

if they can get off the couch and actually do it. aint too many of them left to mobilize at this point

MCBOOSTY25 2 points ago +2 / -0

he a limp dick, wool toupee muthafucka

he would be the lamest hang I imagine.

MCBOOSTY25 2 points ago +2 / -0

im a rentseeking jew. immo buy the dip.
make volatility your bitch

MCBOOSTY25 1 point ago +1 / -0

7 figures -- check

concern troll fag

MCBOOSTY25 2 points ago +2 / -0

its worse than the 70s now. cops have no power.

ill be able to say "i remember guliani/bloombergs New York. It was great" Like old new yorkers say they remember shitty 70s new york

MCBOOSTY25 2 points ago +2 / -0

DUUUDE. thanks i was lookin. google doesnt like you to find this one.

sick tune. others ones a good too.

MCBOOSTY25 2 points ago +2 / -0

honestly im surprised you even got through the past few stinker episodes.

MCBOOSTY25 4 points ago +4 / -0

his older work on the network is better, i like it. but over the past few months its been a stinker

MCBOOSTY25 3 points ago +3 / -0

these past florida episodes is where it tanks for me. i was enjoying the shows when he was absolutely terrorizing his PAs.

MCBOOSTY25 1 point ago +1 / -0

shouldve trounced him unequivocally. shouldve been rife for compilation "ownage" material.

MCBOOSTY25 1 point ago +1 / -0

TL;DR Devon is a fencesitting Hillary Supporter who uses dirty hypocritical argumentative tactics of the left, gets his fellow peers videos flagged/banned. Second is about Devon refusing to debate people he said he could destroy. ALSO this guy is generally a fan on AIU

my 2cents: decent amount of claims @~3mins and then @~8mins, 10mins-17mins; check out to me. As ive seen AIU in actual debates and hes not great in these formats. Nick Fuentes easily destroyed devon.

MCBOOSTY25 7 points ago +7 / -0

copy the exact blood splatter pattern and make this a shirt mofos

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