I am going to explain why women get half in a divorce. I get so frustrated when I see men wanting "traditional" relationships and then complaining about divorce rape. Divorce rape is a traditional setup. Gavin and Anthony were talking about this recently, and Gavine almost got there.
First, let me start by saying, if there are no children and the woman continually works, yes it is completely wrong for a woman to get half a man's money in a divorce. (However, and this is a big HOWEVER a traditional marriage means all money is the marriage's money. So, if you want a real traditional marriage setup, there technically is not the man's money or women's money.)
If there are children and the woman is a housewife (you know what everyone wants) then she absolutely, 100% is entitled to half all marital assets.
I will explain with my own story. I was a stay-at-home mom for one year, just one year, but that one year out of the workforce cost me being vested in a pension and moving up continually at my place of work. I gladly gave that up to be with my children, my husband did not lose these benefits and was able to become vested and continually make more money in his position.
The housework I did IS paid work in that the Husband pays for it. This is what we want, right? If by chance my husband and I divorce we each are entitled to half the marriage's assets because we were a team (again what we want, right guys?).
I hope this helps clarify things. I love men, I love husbands, I don't anyone deserves to be "divorce raped" but a woman getting half "the man's" income is not always wrong, in fact, it is the right thing to do if the housewife is in fact "venerated".
Thank you and merry xmas. :*
I've bought every book and item Gavin has recommended for boys! (Fungus the Bogeyman, Dangerous Book for Boys, etc) I think I've bought every parenting item he has recommended. Anyway! Do an episode on this!! :)
I am trying to find the episodes when Tim Dillon was on Gavin’s show, and came across this interview Dillon did with Gavin about two years ago. https://youtu.be/2B6T5WuetPU
I’m a big fan of Dillon but I was really taken a back by his intro. It’s so obsequious and apologetic, it’s really scary actually.
Anyways, I have been a subscriber to Censored.TV since it started but when I search on Tim Dillon nothing comes up.
Can anyone point me in the direction of how I can watch the episodes of the Gavin Mcines show with Dillon?!? Thanks ❤️🙏
I was trying to find the clip of Kyle mentioning the names of the lawyers that screwed him over and make sure it wasn’t Barnes when I found this https://youtu.be/Y13V3WJcRj8
It’s fine, it’s just a bummer he is staying verbatim the media narrative on proud boys. :(
I posted my mask panics on here a while ago and even sent two letters to the mailbag about kids wearing masks and they were ignored. I'm about to go to my local school board for the second time today.
do something Gavin, you're putting your kids in masks every day and yer ok with this
would crass be ok with this??
i'm sure this has been asked before but im too lazy to search.
i cringe whenever I hear Michael malice describe discord as a free place cause i know they be banning.
I too was very skeptical of her in the beginning and who knows who is sincere in this world anymore, BUT after Gavin brought that up, I looked into her more and found that there are A TON of "Candaces" that I and I would guess most people have no idea about. It's absolutely not the case that any black female conservative will get noticed.
So, let's not be too harsh on ourselves. :)
I too was very skeptical of her in the beginning and who knows who is sincere in this world anymore, BUT after Gavin brought that up, I looked into her more and found that there are A TON of "Candaces" that I and I would guess most people have no idea about. It's absolutely not the case that any black female conservative will get noticed.
So, let's not be too harsh on ourselves. :)
I know this is late, but Gavin was talking about how southern leftists are probably more chill than northern ones and it definitely stuck in my craw because in the South, SJWs, leftist, BLM etc feel they have a REASON for their positions. They are more emboldened because various injustices have been more recent and lets say actual.
If they are natives or transplants they go out of their way NOT to be aligned with racism or religion. They are the type to abide by ALL talking points and rules, because not to do so would mean they are equivalent to Bull Conner. They quote Martin Luther King's statement "the suburbs are a “high-income white noose” around black inner cities." Ignoring the violence and mayhem within these cities, that blacks are fleeing. They stay in dangerous cities even after their loved ones are violently attacked making excuses for the system. They are particularly contemptful of religion and seak out nonreligous daycares and schools.
I live in Memphis and I feel abandoned by Tennessee. All of the cities in the south are no different than the cities in the north.
Southern leftists are justified they feel. In the city I lived in in the south the state university actually was found guilty of paying women less for the same positions in the 80s!! Do you know how hard that is to prove?!?! That case was one of the few if not the only successful lawsuit of its kind.
When I started my transition to "traditional liberal" or "not left." One thing that I kept thinking was that the right, republicans need to specifically address their past racism. Or at least specifically address it. Racism is the key. Black people in the south are never going to be republican unless this is done.
I currently live with my senior mom, she just told me I will have to move if I do not get vaccinated. I was expecting this, but what I neglected to think about was, even after I move her and the rest of my family will not be around me until I am vaccinated. So my mom is very upset because I am destroying holidays and destroying the family. I also don't have much support in my area besides her.
I hate this time. I hate it. What this crap has done to families. I talked with my one friend about it and his response was "well considering how things are going who knows what things will be like in 3 months, your mom might be saying she can't be around you unless you surrender to China." It made me laugh.
I was originally extremely skeptical of Owen’s motives and who knows, maybe her motives still aren’t ? but the reason she is more popular than the other journalists gavin mentioned is because those journalists are doing really good journalism and Candace is offering thoughtful and funny COMMENTARY. I used to think she was completely unique but there are actually a bunch of older “Candace Owens” black female commenters that never gained traction.
While jumping on any black personality that agrees with us if definelty something we should be skeptical of, I think the maga/free market/patriot party is pretty good about it. You just have look at all the black voices that haven’t blown up. For example Jesse Lee Peterson should be WAY more known than he is for all the work he has done. I mean, the man is a national treasure for goodness sake.
...AND makes his kids wear them everyday to school. I LOVE Gavin, will be a forever fan, but I really wish he would do more than LARP on masks, at least be honest. He’s bending the knee, we all are bending the knee on this and it terrifies me. Parents, like me, like Gavin are masking their kids everyday because they are between a rock and a hard place. I don’t see how this is ending, the government doesn’t give back power and I’m looking at having to risk my job to not put one on my child in a year or two. I haven’t been to my boxing gym since the holidays because we have to wear masks and I live in a SOLID red state. I’m trying to connect with other moms online. If anyone has any idea how we can get a list of counties/towns/cities that don’t have mask mandates I really could use that info. I will honestly move there. :/ There are states without mandates but usually all of the counties and towns have them.
So, when I heard Gavin complaining about his son's math teacher I thought "Oh is Gavin encountering Common Core??" I realized he has an older child so he must have already been acquainted with this madness.
Common core math is absolute insanity, but it still uses PEMMDAS, so Gavin's son's math teacher is very wrong.
Why does the left want to do this?
"Why do you want to unify with Nazis?" This is how I respond when anyone on the left mentions anything about "unifying."
If you are like me, you are someone that knows the American public being so polarized and divided only serves to hurt us and empower wealthy globalists. You believe in unifying and healing.
At the same time, when confronted with the "olive branch" of unity and healing from the left, you feel a sense of unease, you feel a sense of degradation. This is because it isn't healing or unifying when one side is choosing to unify with what in their mind is evil. Similar to Kamala throwing away any integrity and running with a Racist, this shows they are not sincere, they only care about power.
When I see patriots responding with "you didn't unify, so I wont either!" I get this, but I think it would serve us better to respond by asking why they want to unify with Nazis.
much love