They're still doing a Thursday show, they're just changing the live show to Wednesday. As for this week, Im guessing the interview with the PI was the show? not sure.
Hope your B-Day is piss and fight free, but if its not, I hope its on HD video.
Sounds like its the police's boss that's the problem. Isn't that Gavin's exact take?
remember that time he punched a lady?
I like the guy, he does some great work but he is extremely biased. He has been saying all these same things for years. That doesn't mean he is wrong, but he constantly predicts total collapse. Eventually every dooms dayer is proven correct.
The lack of self control is insane. I guess we just decided this behavior is normal?
Taken from Gavin's Parler, also seen on TD. Not sure of original source.
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Did they not show it? I kept waiting for it to pop up so I could attempt a call, but I didn't see it this last episode.
Its just ramping up to the election. By November this is going to be a daily thing
Now that he's doodling during the calls, he tends to tolerate them longer because he is distracted. Just my opinion.
Gavin points out: "of course the statue was made by a white man"
I knew something was wrong when Joe Biden tweeted something that wasn't a vague campaign slogan.
Its kind, its right there in the name
You admit we only got one side of the story, but you're also sure "G-dog and Rye Guy were at fault here"
How does that work?
Yeah I had the same problem. Ended up just uploading the gif and creating a link post instead.
its like needles to the ear
15-doesn't look like the same person, the nose is all wrong. Also, Ebaums world is still a thing?
Amazing. That was the most calm fight ever. Ryan with the H-bomb. Unbelievable. Glad it was all on camera.
Yeah, Im not wasting 20 mins on this. Without context its just one guy complaining about AIU.
Yeah, Ive seen some of this other vidoes. He does a good job. If only the truth mattered tho
How is this relevant?
There seems to be no rhyme or reason to which get answered. But they don't get to all of them. I'd send it in again.