MCBOOSTY 1 point ago +1 / -0

its really really not gonna be good for the Gav pack.

the overall fallout is simply too great to overcome

MCBOOSTY 6 points ago +6 / -0


I. -How many weeks exactly has Gavin had absolutely no guest? ____ -Matty curiously not there --- just at the right time for a guy with his past to be detained with Gavin simply because of pure association

II. -who tf uploaded and titled it?

III. -It would simply be easier to not do a show. (BUT) Gavin has done stuff like this and played along for (longest ive seen) a week or so. -This comes nearly 1 year since the "firing" prank -- which is exactly similar to the camera just ---running for 2 hours.

IV. -Denny is not to be trusted, the irrelevant asshat is creaming himself bc now he is the "point of contact" and in a mild political storm. He eats that shit up like cake. -If it indeed was serious and REAL, we would be hearing from someone much closer and infinitely more qualified

V. -Its fake and your a fag if you think its real

MCBOOSTY 2 points ago +2 / -0

YOU ARE CORRECT! on everything my N

MCBOOSTY 2 points ago +2 / -0

gotta say, I also believe ive seen the fist-shaped hole before

MCBOOSTY 1 point ago +1 / -0


I think Ryan would have enough extra $$ for real roids (considering hes part of Gavs gym stuff)

either way the effects are real enough.

MCBOOSTY 2 points ago +2 / -0

Aye sir. So many commenting on "oh gav went too far", etc. They forget there is more than one way to react to said situation, which IMO was really not bad.

MCBOOSTY 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ryan is funny. I hope its fake, for his sake

MCBOOSTY 4 points ago +4 / -0

me no think it fake.

MCBOOSTY 3 points ago +4 / -1

You must be the same IQ as Ryan if you're this stupidly sensitive about how tards need leadership

MCBOOSTY 4 points ago +5 / -1

Ryan is bitch-made to the core, without suing (like a bitch) ---- he will languish and rot, even broker than he is in NYC.

He's not gonna get a job with his rep. Anyone saying " i won't watch without ryan" is pretty much the same IQ as Ryan....

MCBOOSTY 3 points ago +5 / -2

Ryan proved something today --- he really is lord of the fags

what an ungrateful mutt

MCBOOSTY 4 points ago +4 / -0

I agree. some think ryan was funny/sparkly enough to outweigh his genral shittiness as a producer. He will sue gavin, like a bitch.... gavin was completely in line but even this video is enough to tie gav and the network for a bit.

Fuck you ryan, bitch made to the core.

MCBOOSTY 5 points ago +5 / -0

Enrique was about as apologetic as he could be from what i could tell. Gavs got good reason to be wishy washy with anything he says at this point. Also, there is a media angle to this that is advantageous

If he was an informant the whole time, you could say the whole of the PBs was essentially sanctioned by the FBI.

Kindve like how Gavin says Canada accidentally created real neo-nazis in their attempt to infiltrate those organizations back in the 80s

MCBOOSTY 5 points ago +5 / -0

i found myself in the midst of PB Atwater chapter on election night 2016. They were just having the best fucking time at that bar I was at, and laughing at Hillary supporters who were completely shitting their pants; shit was way better back then than this rally shit.

Drinking club. Mens Club. Fun jokes. Real talk. MAGA dudes. thats it.

MCBOOSTY 4 points ago +4 / -0

some of the best food has the courtesy of looking like shit before i turn it into shit. I consider that a rebate.

MCBOOSTY 1 point ago +1 / -0

MILO has been falling off this past year. Used to watch all the TIME! Ever since he stopped terrorizing his interns in NY. He's been a PUSS IN BOOTS